Miss New Hampshire's Teen 2024,
Kylie Laroche!

Meet Kylie!
Hometown: Manchester, NH
Community Service Initiative: Discover YOU: Find Your Passion and Take Action. With my Community Service Initiative, I encourage others to find an outlet or activity outside of school that they can find excitement in, and a way to look forward to something to grow themselves outside of school. The importance of extracurriculars, activities and passions is so important for someone to help them better themselves and become more passionate and engaged beings.
Miss NH 2024 Competition Local Title: Miss Winnipesaukee's Teen
Miss NH 2024 Competition Talent: Lyrical Dance to "Wind Beneath My Wings"
Fun Facts:
• My family - They are my biggest supporters, and always there for me no matter what. They are my best of friends and role models all in one and I truly cherish all of my memories with them. They are the funniest people I know and I am so lucky to get to call them my family. ❤️
• I am so fortunate to have found my passion early in my life. I have been dancing since the age of two and it has been my passion since then. The memories, moments, and opportunities I have received from dance is something I am truly so grateful for and I fall more and more in love with the art of dance every single day. 🩰
• Another fun fact about me is I love to travel! I have been to 3 countries, including Mexico many times! I love it there, and I can not wait to go back soon! My dream travel destination is Paris France, and I hope to go with my mom after I graduate high school!
• I absolutely ADORE Taylor Swift! From her music and her style, to how she writes her own music and performs live with no intermissions just goes to show performers CAN do it all! 🎤
• And finally my puppy Khloe! If you didn’t know, I have a dog named Khloe who is super energetic and playful but also kind of sassy. But she is the sweetest pup 🎀